What was that I was saying? Oh yeah, I was going to start a blog . . .

Wow, I didn’t realize how difficult this was going to be. I mean, it’s my life and I’m just trying to comment on the mundaneness of it all but as it turns out this endeavor (like all endeavors in my life) is ripe with procrastination. It’s a horrible character flaw but its my own and darn it – I am going to OWN it. Procrastination – oh sweet, sweet procrastination. It doesn’t help that this particular winter has been the “worst winter in 20 years.” Blah, blah, blah. Although, to be honest, I was expecting it to be quite wintery here in the midwest so no surprise there but goodness gracious I am so happy we are out of DC — they are getting slammed right now.

I miss Fall.

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One response to “What was that I was saying? Oh yeah, I was going to start a blog . . .

  1. I remember our westher at home being like here in SD….not too much difference other than not as many trees & no mountains near me. But the past few years the easterners sure have been getting it….no I am not LOL…..


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